School of Education

Scott Sheridan
Ph.D. in Education – Learning Sciences
For the better part of a decade, I worked in various schools as a teacher, coach, dorm parent, and administrator. Although I enjoyed working in a school setting, I believed that I could have a greater impact on education overall by pursuing a doctoral degree.
The Learning Sciences faculty in the School of Education at the University of Delaware has outstanding scholars whose interests on topics such as teacher learning, and technology integration into curricula, match mine. So when I received my acceptance to the program, I knew it was the right fit for me.
I am currently in the third year of the program and am finishing up my coursework. My assistantship allows me to engage in research on professional development and technology with Dr. Chrystalla Mouza and on research-based decision making in schools with Dr. Elizabeth Farley Ripple. This has afforded me the opportunity to submit multiple papers for publication and present at national and international conferences around the US.
I am currently working on a long-term project funded by the National Science Foundation, the data from which I will likely use in my dissertation. The project, called Partner4CS, is aimed at improving computer science instruction in schools, especially those that serve traditionally marginalized students. My dissertation is looking at how teachers employ in their classrooms what they learn during the annual Partner4CS summer professional development sessions hosted here at UD.
Every step along the way, I’ve had the support of faculty members who work with me to improve my research, writing, and overall scholarship. Pursuing a Ph.D. in UD’s School of Education has proven to be a wonderful experience.