School of Education
Race, Culture and Equity in Education Minor

American young people represent the world’s cultural and racial diversity. For that reason, today’s teachers must be culturally competent in order to offer their students transformative educational experiences.
Through the School of Education’s Race, Culture and Equity in Education minor, students gain critical expertise in the intersection of race, culture, and equity in the educational lives of youth, their families, and their communities.The minor focuses on urban, suburban, and rural settings because issues of race, culture, and equity affect all communities.
Students in this minor will:
- Understand and develop culturally sustaining pedagogies, teaching practices that leverage and support students’ identities.
- Learn to build relationships with students and communities through community-based education.
- Develop their own identities as racially and culturally literate educators in classrooms where they consider multiple points of view critically, but respectfully.
- Apply these educational frameworks across diverse settings.
This minor is open to undergraduate students across all majors. To enroll, contact your academic advisor.
Course Requirements
Core Courses
- EDUC 395: Building Communities of Learners in Urban Contexts (Fall only)
- EDUC 440: Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners
- EDUC 459: Urban Schools and Urban Landscapes (Spring only)
Cultural Diversity Courses
Students will choose one of the following courses:
- EDUC 258: Cultural Diversity, Schooling and the Teacher
- EDUC 419: Diversity in Secondary Education
Students will choose two of the following courses:
- AFRA 110: Introduction to Black American Studies
- AFRA/SOCI 204: Urban Communities
- AFRA 205: Contemporary African American Issues
- AFRA/SOCI 215: Race in Society
- AFRA/SOCI 415: Race, Class and Gender
- GEOG 325: Urban Geography
- GEOG 346: Urban Cultural Geography
- HDFS 202: Diversity and Families
- HDFS 230: Families and their Communities
- POSC 355: Urban Politics and Community Development
- POSC 452: Problems in Urban Politics
- SOCI 305: Social Class and Inequality
All six courses (18 credits) must be successfully completed with a grade of C- or better. This minor does not lead to teacher certification.