School of Education

Cohort: 2021
Dean's Scholar
Nancy Jordan
MathSense Lab
Learning Sciences
Taylor-Paige Guba
Taylor-Paige (Guba) Guba is a Ph.D. in Education student specializing in the Learning Sciences in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. Broadly speaking, she is interested in math cognition, critical and creative thinking, and linguistic cognition, primarily in middle or high school students. Her past research experiences include working with 5-year-old children on pattern abstraction, teaching critical thinking through induction, and investigating the effects of attentional momentum on addition verification.
Guba is currently focusing her attention on two areas: directional biases in mathematics and metacognitive monitoring. She is conducting research specifically on how the presentation of multiplication problems affects problem-solving reaction time and the calibration of students in their understanding of fraction concepts. For more information on current and past work, her CV is available in the sidebar.
She graduated from Indiana University in May 2021 with degrees in Cognitive Science, Jewish Studies, and a minor in Linguistics.
- B.A., Cognitive Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2021
- B.A., Jewish Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2021
- Minor, Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2021
Professional Experience
- Graduate Research Assistant, Math Methods & Motivation Lab, School of Education, University of Delaware, 2021–present
- Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Improving Fraction Learning, School of Education, University of Delaware, 2021–present
- Undergraduate Research Assistant, Learning Education and Development Lab, Indiana University, 2018–2021
- Student Manager, Executive Dean’s Office, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University, 2020–2021
- Student Assistant, Executive Dean’s Office, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University, 2020
- Q-Instructor, Collins Living-Learning Center, Indiana University, 2020
Recent Honors and Awards
- Foundry 10 Diversity Travel Award, Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, 2024
- Diversity Scholarship for Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 2023
- 1st Place Paper at Steele Symposium 2023, University of Delaware, 2023
- Diversity Registration Grant, Templeton Foundation, Spring 2022
- Dean’s Scholar, College of Education and Human Development, University of Delaware, 2021–present
- Kate Hevner Mueller Award, Indiana University, 2021
- Carolyn Lipson-Walker Outstanding Senior Award/Scholarship, Indiana University, 2020
- Sandra and Stanley Trockman Scholarship, Indiana University, 2020–2021
- Friends of the Borns Jewish Studies Program Scholarship, Indiana University, 2020–2021
- Executive Dean Award: Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity, Indiana University, 2020
- Cognitive Science Undergraduate Outstanding Contribution Award, Indiana University, 2020
- Jordan, N. C., Dyson, N., Guba, T. P., Botello, M., Suchanec-Cooper, H., & May, H. Exploring the Impact of a Fraction Sense Intervention in Authentic School Environments: An Initial Investigation. Accepted for publication in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Motz, B. A., Fyfe, E. R., Guba, T. P. (2022). Learning to Call Bullsh*t via Induction Categorization Training Improves Critical Thinking Performance. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
- Flynn, M. E., Guba, T. P., & Fyfe, E. R. (2020). ABBABB or 1212: Abstract language facilitates children’s early patterning skills. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 193, 104791. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104791
- Jordan, N.C., Dyson, N., Guba, T. P., Suchanec, H., Botello, M. (2024, September). Evaluating a Fraction Sense Intervention Conducted by Teachers in 6th Grade Math Support Classes. Paper Revised September 2024 presented at the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
- Dyson, N., Jordan, N.C., Guba, T. P., Suchanec, H., Botello, M. (2024, September). A Fraction Sense Intervention Grounded in Principles from the Science of Learning for Students with Mathematical Difficulties. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research Effective Education (SREE), Baltimore, MD.
- Dyson, N., Guba, T. P., Botello, M., Suchanec-Cooper, H., & Jordan, N. C. Evaluating a Fraction Sense Intervention Conducted by Teachers in 6th Grade Math Support Classes. Oral Presentation at National Council for Mathematics (NCTM) Teachers Research Conference 2024, Chicago, IL.
- Guba, T. P., “High Quality” US Elementary Math Textbooks Lack Promotion of Flexibility in Equation and Arithmetic Understanding. Submitted as part of a symposium to the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) 2024 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Guba, T. P. Analysis of Multiplication Equation Formats Presented in Elementary Math Textbooks. Submitted to the Steele Symposium 2024, Newark, DE.
- Guba, T. P., Look At It This Way: Math Anxiety and Multiplication Problem Format Affect Problem-Solving Reaction Time. Poster at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2024 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- Guba, T. P., Dyson, N., Botello, M., Suchaned-Cooper, H., Jordan, N.C., & May, H. (2024 March). Fraction nonsense to fraction sense: impact of a fraction sense intervention on 6th grade students with math learning difficulties in an authentic classroom setting. Poster at the Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society (CDS) 2024, Pasadena, CA.
- Dyson, N., Guba, T. P., Botello, M., Suchanec-Cooper, H., & Jordan, N. C. (2024, February). Using Principles from the Science of Learning to Develop Fraction Sense in Struggling Math Students. Workshop at Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) 2024, Orlando, FL.
- Dyson, N., Guba, T. P., Botello, M., Suchanec-Cooper, H., & Jordan, N. C. (2023, October). Building Fraction Sense in Struggling Students Using Effective Approaches from the Science of
Learning. Workshop at National Council for Mathematics (NCTM) Teachers Research Conference 2023, Washington, DC. - Guba, T. P. (2023, June). Look At It This Way: Equal Sign Position and Blank Position in Multiplication Problems Affect Reaction Time. Poster at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) 2023 Annual Meeting, Loughborough, UK.
- Guba, T. P., De Coteau, A., Barbieri, C.A., Jansen, A., & Morris, A.B., (2023, April). Revision Thinking for Fraction Comparisons: An Investigation of Metacognitive Monitoring in Preservice Teachers. Paper Talk at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Botello, M., Guba, T. P., Dyson, N., Jordan., N. (2023, March). Measuring Success: How 6th Graders with Math Learning Disabilities Can Learn to Read Rulers. Poster Presentation at Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) in Salt Lake City, UT.
- Dyson, N., Jordan, N., Suchanec, H., Guba, T. P., Botello, M. (2023, March) Building Fraction Knowledge in Students Who Have Fallen Behind in Math: Preliminary Findings from an Efficacy Study. Paper Symposium at Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) in Salt Lake City, UT.
- Guba, T. P., E. R. Fyfe, & B. Motz (2022, November). An Inductive Approach to Improving Critical Thinking. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Boston, MA.
- Guba, T. P. & E. R. Fyfe (2022, July). Attentional momentum effects on addition verification. Poster presented at CogSci 2022, Toronto, Canada.
- Guba, T. P. (2022, April). Preliminary investigation of attentional momentum effects on arithmetic fluency. Research Proposal Poster accepted at the Steele Symposium, Newark, DE. Revised August 2023
- Guba, T. P., Dyson, N., & Jordan, N. (2022, April). Fraction sense intervention improves number line estimation skills in students with diagnosed learning disabilities. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society (CDS), Madison, WI.
- Guba, T. P. & Fyfe, E. R. (2020, April). Storytelling as Problem Solving. Poster presented at the Center of Excellence for Women & Technology’s (CEWIT) 7th Annual Women’s Research Poster Competition in Bloomington, IN.
- Flynn, M. E., Guba, T. P., & Fyfe, E. R. (2019, April). Abstract language facilitates children’s early patterning skills. Oral presentation at the 11th Annual Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference (MUCSC) in Bloomington, IN.
- Flynn, M. E., Guba, T. P., & Fyfe, E. R. (2019, October). Using quantitative labels to promote children’s patterning skills. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society (CDS), Louisville, KY.