School of Education

Cohort: 2020
Math, Methods, and Motivation Lab
Christina Barbieri
School of Education
Educational Statistics and Research Methods
Sarah Clerjuste
Sarah Clerjuste is an NSF GRFP Fellow and a doctoral student in Educational Statistics and Research Methods at the University of Delaware. She earned her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Florida and her master’s degree in Education from the University of Delaware. Under the guidance of Dr. Christina Barbieri, Sarah’s research focuses on mathematical cognition and learning.
She is particularly interested in how students learn and perform in mathematics through feedback and the opportunity to revise. Committed to enhancing mathematical learning and aiding students who struggle with mathematics, she is dedicated to using her research to advance our understanding of mathematical learning and develop effective teaching strategies for success in this critical subject area.
- M.A., Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2022
- B.A., Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2020
Professional Experience
- Summer Pre-Doctoral Research Experience (SPRE) NAEP Intern, Educational Testing Services, 2023
- Graduate Research Assistant, School of Education, University of Delaware, 2020–present
- Undergraduate Researcher, Virtual Learning Lab, University of Florida, 2019–2020
- Research Trainee, Study of Teen Opioid Misuse Prevention Laboratory, University of Florida, 2018–2019
- Rater, Study of Non-Oral Administration of Prescription Stimulants (SNAPS), University of Florida, 2018
- Math Tutor, University of Florida Teaching Center, University of Florida, 2018–2020
- Tutor, Micanopy Library, University of Florida, 2016
Honors and Awards
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, 2022-Present
- University Graduate Scholar Award, University of Delaware, 2020-2022
- Graduate Student Travel Award, University of Delaware, 2022
- Recipient, University of Florida (UF) Graduate School Preparatory Ph.D. Program, 2018-2020
- AIM Director’s Award, University of Florida, 2019
- Excellence in Scholarship Award, University of Florida, 2019
- Barbieri, C. A., Miller-Cotto, D., Clerjuste, S. N., & Chawla, K. (2023). A meta-analysis of the worked examples effect on mathematics performance. Educational Psychology Review, 35(1).
- Johnson, M.E. & Clerjuste, S.N. (2020). The association between somatic complaints and past-30-day opioid misuse among justice-involved children. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl, 22(6), 15-23.
- Barbieri, C.A., Clerjuste, S.N., Silla, E.M., & Chawla, K. (under review).Leveraging common mathematical errors to support core mathematics competencies.
- Clerjuste, S.N., Miller-Cotto, D., McNeil, N., Guang, C. (under review). Developing a Model for Understanding Performance on Distributive Property Problems. Special issue in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Clerjuste, S. (June 2019). The association between somatic complaints and past-30-day opioid misuse among justice-involved children. Poster presentation at The College on Problems on Drug Dependence Conference (CPDD).
- Clerjuste, S. (April 2019). The association between somatic complaints and past-30-day opioid misuse among justice-involved children. Poster presentation at the National Center on Undergraduate Research Conference (NCUR).