School of Education

Cohort: 2024
Fontana Family Graduate Tuition Scholarship
Lynsey Gibbons
Transforming & Understanding Professional Learning (TUPL)
Mathematics Education
Maggie Ellis
Maggie Ellis is a first year Ph.D. student in the Education program with a specialization in Mathematics Education at the University of Delaware. Her emerging research interests include examining preservice elementary teachers’ math experiences, possibilities for shifting elementary teachers’ negative math identities, and qualities of effective methods courses and professional learning for early career elementary teachers.
Currently, she is working with Dr. James Hiebert, Dr. Erica Litke and Dr. Lynsey Gibbons at UD as well as Dr. Jamila Riser and Dr. Valerie Maxwell at the Delaware Mathematics Coalition on the NSF-funded “Transforming and Understanding Professional Learning (TUPL)” Project, which partners with local Delaware 4th-7th grade math teachers to provide and examine professional learning.
Maggie earned her B.A. in Elementary Education from the College of St. Benedict and M.Ed. in Elementary Education from the University of Notre Dame. Prior to joining the program, she taught 4th grade in New York City and 4th/5th grade math and science in Denver, Colorado. She also served as Clinical Faculty and Practicum Supervisor for preservice elementary teachers in the University of Notre Dame’s M.Ed. program.
- M.Ed., Elementary Education, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 2018
- B.A., Elementary Education, College of Saint Benedict, Saint Joseph, MN, 2016
Professional Experience
- 4th & 5th Grade Math/Science Teacher & 5th Grade Lead Teacher, Annunciation Catholic School, Denver, CO, 2018-2024
- Elementary Practicum Supervisor, University of Notre Dame, 2023
- Clinical Faculty in Math Education & Elementary Education, University of Notre Dame, 2018-2023
- 4th Grade Teacher, Sacred Heart School, South Bronx, NY, 2016-2018
Recent Honors and Awards
- Fontana Family Graduate Tuition Scholarship, University of Delaware, 2024-Present
- Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant Finalist, Greece, Awarded but Declined
- Ellis, M. (2023, November). Vocabulary Across Content Areas: The Why, What, & How!. Oral presentation at University of Notre Dame’s American Indian Catholic Schools Network Virtual Professional Learning Series.
- Ellis, M. (2022, February). Listen with the Ear of Your Heart: Allowing Students’ Passions & Experiences to Drive Instruction. Oral presentation at University of Notre Dame’s American Indian Catholic Schools Network Virtual Professional Learning Series.
- Ellis, M. (2020, February). Listen with the Ear of Your Heart: Allowing Students’ Passions & Experiences to Drive Instruction. Oral presentation at Christian Deeper Learning Conference in Denver, CO.
- Ellis, M. (2020, July). Close Reading: Why & How. Presentation at University of Notre Dame’s American Indian Catholic Schools Network Virtual Summer Institute. [Virtual due to COVID-19]
- Ellis, M. (2019, July). Technology & Family Connections in Mathematics. Oral Presentation in EDU 60132 at University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, IN.
- Ellis, M. (2019, July). Unit & Course Planning in Elementary Mathematics. Oral Presentation in EDU 60132 at University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, IN.
- Ellis, M. (2019, July). Best Practices in Managing & Designing Elementary Centers. Oral Presentation in EDU 60102 at University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, IN.
- Ellis, M. (2019, July). Close Reading: Why & How. Oral Presentation at University of Notre Dame’s American Indian Catholic Schools Summer Teacher Institute in Notre Dame, IN.
- Ellis, M. (2019, June-July). Teachers in Residence Instructional Coaching Workshop. Oral presentation and workshop at University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education Program in Notre Dame, IN.
- Ellis, M., Dankoff, A., Garcia, M. Ochoa, J., & Wojda, C. [co-authors] (2017, July). Finding the “Dorys and Dugs” in Our Classrooms: Identifying and Accommodating ADHD in Our Elementary Students. Oral Presentation at The ACE Teaching Fellows Conference in Notre Dame, Indiana.
- DelFavero, L., Ellis, M., & Murray, J., (2017, August). Eureka Math in 4th Grade: What You Need to Know. Oral presentation at Partnership Schools for Inner-City Education Network Professional Development in South Bronx, NY.