School of Education

Cohort: 2020
Fontana Family Graduate Tuition Scholarship
Elizabeth Soslau and Rosalie Rolón-Dow
Computer Science for Delaware (CS4DE)
Sociocultural and Community-based Approaches
Amanda Nolte
Amanda Nolte is a Ph.D. in Education student specializing in Sociocultural and Community-Based Approaches in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. Her interests focus broadly on issues of educational equity.
Amanda prioritizes research projects that allow her to spend time in schools interacting directly with teachers and students. Her current work explores how teachers engage their students in conversations about issues related to race. Amanda also leads teacher professional development on culturally responsive pedagogy through her research assistantship.
Prior to beginning her doctoral studies, Amanda worked as a teacher and instructional coach in schools serving primarily minoritized and socioeconomically disadvantaged student populations. She holds a B.A. degree in English & Philosophy from Gettysburg College
- B.A., English and Philosophy, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA
Professional Experience
- Graduate Research Assistant, School of Education, University of Delaware, 2020–present
- Research Analyst, National Council on Teacher Quality, 2019–2020
- Mathematics Education Consultant, Pensacola, FL, 2014–2018
- Secondary Mathematics Instructional Coach, Jacksonville, FL, 2013–2014
- High School Mathematics Teacher, Jacksonville, FL, 2010–2013
- Jacksonville (FL) Corps Member, Teach for America, Jacksonville, FL, 2010–2012
Honors and Awards
- Fontana Family Graduate Tuition Scholarship, College of Education and Human Development, University of Delaware, 2020-present
- Jean Ribault Senior High School Principal’s Award: Math Teacher of the Year, Jean Ribault Senior High School, 2013
- Philosophy Departmental Honors, Thesis: Teach for America: A Colonial Project in a Post-Colonial Era?, Gettysburg College, 2010
- English Departmental Honors, Thesis: A Poet’s Progress: Christina Rossetti’s Lifelong Journey Towards an Ideal Love, Gettysburg College, 2010,
- Member, Sigma Tau Delta, 2009
- Presidential Scholar, Gettysburg College, 2006–2010
Nolte, A. (2023, April 28). Successes and challenges of a library-based equity initiative [Paper presentation]. University of Delaware Steele Research Symposium, Newark, DE, United States.
Nolte, A., Codding, D., Rolón-Dow, R., Mouza, C., & Pollock, L. (2023, April 18-21). From superficial to foundational: Integrating cultural relevance into computer science curriculum [Poster presentation]. NARST, Chicago, IL, United States.
Nolte, A., Mead, H., Mouza, C., Rolón-Dow, R., & Pollock, L. (2023, April 13-16). Examining instructional planning and implementation in the context of an integrated computer science professional development for elementary teachers [Poster presentation]. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, United States.
Nolte, A., Mead, H., Mouza, C., Rolón-Dow, R., & Pollock, L. (2023, March 13-17). Integrating computational thinking within and across disciplines in the context of teacher professional development [Paper presentation]. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA, United States.
Nolte, A. (2022, April 29). K-12 Teachers’ experiences of race talk in the classroom: “It’s not just something we can be quiet about” (In progress) [Poster presentation]. University of Delaware Steele Research Symposium, Newark, DE, United States.