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School of Education

  • Illustration of salad bowl, hamburger, and hot dog arranged on a picnic table with condiments and oven mitts.

    Mealtimes with Children on the Autism Spectrum

    October 14, 2021

    The average American family meal lasts only 20 minutes, but during that time, families often engage in complex social processes that facilitate social, emotional, and physical health, especially in families with young children. Parents and their childr …

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  • Launching LASER

    September 29, 2021

    As a high school student in Spokane, Washington, Amanda Reed viewed standardized tests the way a lot of high school students view them — as a drag. A bummer. A tedious, if necessary, step toward graduation. “They were annoying,” she said. “But I never …

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  • Helping Math Teachers

    August 23, 2021

    Teachers continue to learn after they leave college through experiences they have with their students and through formal professional development. Offered through school districts and other educational organizations, professional development (commonly …

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  • Child’s Play

    August 16, 2021

    When you are a child, you are not really a child — at least not all the time. You are also a dinosaur. A wizard. A hot air balloon operator crash-landing into a dodo bird colony off the coast of Madagascar. In other words, playtime is fun. And imaginat …

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  • Roberta Golinkoff stands in her Child's Play, Learning, and Development Lab.

    Outstanding Education Scholarship

    June 7, 2021

    Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair and professor in the School of Education (SOE) and in the departments of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Linguistics and Cognitive Science at the University of Delaware, has been elected to …

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  • Learning and Assessment

    April 30, 2021

    As the end of the 2020-21 school year approaches, the debate about educational assessments is gaining renewed momentum. While educators and policymakers may hold differing views about how to proceed with testing, they all recognize that equity lies at …

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  • UD’s Undergraduate Work-study Program on a Roll

    April 7, 2021

    You might expect to find a 2-year-old undergraduate work-study program under layers of rubble these days, what with all the restrictions because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But despite the unprecedented upheaval and what must have often see …

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  • CEHD doctoral students engage in a graduate seminar with SOE mathematics education faculty.

    CEHD Graduate Programs Ranked 28 in Nation

    April 7, 2021

    The education graduate programs within University of Delaware’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) have been recognized by US News and World Report as among the best in the nation. This year, CEHD ranked at 28 out of 277 colleges and uni …

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  • University of Delaware AERA Participants

    April 6, 2021

    Each year, the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of education researchers and a showcase for groundbreadking, innovative studies in an array of areas. Join us this year virtually, April 8-12, 2021 …

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  • Calm During Crisis

    March 17, 2021

    The beginning of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presented significant challenges for educators and families as communities across the country adjusted to school closures and transitioned to online learning environments. As the primary educational …

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