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School of Education

  • Classroom Technology

    October 8, 2014

    Professor Sharon Walpole uses SMART Slates, Google docs, Camtasia, Canvas and Apple GarageBand to put our ETE graduates far ahead of most teachers in their use of applying technology as a teaching tool. For more on this story click here.

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  • Service Learning

    September 5, 2014

    School of Education elementary teacher education students will begin mentoring at the Latin American Community Center or the Fraim Boys and Girls Club in Wilmington on September 8th.  This affords the students an opportunity to apply what they learn in …

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  • Keeping UD Safe

    August 29, 2014

    Emphasizing the importance of community the University of Delaware has begun a public awareness campaign for safety on campus.  For more on this important story with links to UD safety resources please click this link.

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  • Book Published

    August 28, 2014

    Congratulations to Professor Zoubeida Dagher on the publication of her co-authored book Reconceptualizing the Nature of Science for Science Education.  To preview and read some pages from an e-copy please go to the publisher’s website at: http://www.sp …

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  • Marvelous Microbes Camp

    August 25, 2014

    Master’s student Emily Sklar participated in the UD’s Marvelous Microbes Camp. For more on this story please click this link.

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  • Math Workshop

    July 30, 2014

    A weeklong workshop was recently held at the Newark Campus for high school mathematics teachers.  The event was sponsored by the collaboration of the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Education.  For more about this event please vis …

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  • APA 2015 Distinguished Scientist Lecturer

    July 18, 2014

    Roberta Golinkoff, Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair and Professor, Learning Sciences has been selected by the American Psychological Association’s Science Directorate and Board of Scientific Affairs to serve as one of their 2015 Distinguished Scientist Lec …

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  • James Hiebert to receive national Senior Scholar Award

    July 17, 2014

    The School of Education is proud to announce that Dr. James Hiebert, Mathematics Education will receive AERA’s 2015 Senior Scholar Award. For more on this story please go to: http://www.cehd.udel.edu/2014/07/hiebert-receive-senior-scholar-award/

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  • Computer Science Collaboration

    July 2, 2014

    Chrystalla Mouza, associate professor in the School of Education has been working with colleagues across campus on a workshop for middle and high school educators.  The Partner4CS Workshop,  held June 23rd through the 27th, instructed Delaware educator …

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  • Online Teacher Leadership Master’s Program

    June 27, 2014

    The School of Education will be offering an online master’s program in teacher leadership this fall.  For more information please see this article.

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