School of Education
Improving Student Learning
January 13, 2020Shaping minds is a big responsibility, one that teachers in classrooms across America embrace every day. With the introduction of Common Core or state standards in math, science and English, teachers are tasked with delivering rigorous material in ways …
Read MoreGraduate Programs Open House January 29
January 2, 2020Learn about our Graduate Programs within the School of Education, Human Development and Family Sciences, and several multi-disciplinary programs at our Open House. Wednesday, January 29th, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Willard Hall Education Building (Room 116), 1 …
Read MoreMangone Award Winners
December 12, 2019The University of Delaware’s Francis Alison Society has selected Jason Gleghorn, assistant professor in the College of Engineering, and Joshua Wilson, assistant professor in the College of Education and Human Development, as the winners of the 2019 Ger …
Read MoreNational Teaching Honor for UD Grad
November 20, 2019University of Delaware alumna Kathleen Olenderski has won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Established by Congress in 1983 and administered for the White House by the National Science Foundation, the P …
Read MoreTeacher of the Year
November 20, 2019University of Delaware alumna Rebecca Vitelli has been named Delaware’s 2020 State Teacher of the Year. At age 26, she is one of the youngest nominees to receive the state-wide award, being nominated her first year of eligibility for her talent and com …
Read MoreYour Baby is a Genius
October 22, 2019Did you know your baby is a genius? It’s a serious question, one that University of Delaware professor Roberta Michnick Golinkoff has been asking parents since she arrived on campus in 1974 and established the Infant Language Lab, since renamed the Chi …
Read MoreTeaching in Thailand
September 30, 2019About 400 miles south of Bangkok in the coastal city of Surat Thani, located along the Gulf of Thailand, University of Delaware alumna Allison Scott is teaching English, math and social studies to classrooms full of talented fourth and fifth graders. F …
Read MoreAlumna Carries UD Experience into Teaching Career
September 25, 2019Papers were strewn about the desks, with pencils and pens stored in cups and a poem from the day’s English lesson displayed on the projector screen. With Casey Shelor’s (formerly Casey Howard) fourth grade students at lunch, her classroom held a quiet …
Read MoreReading’s Best Language
September 23, 2019A new study co-authored by the University of Delaware’s Steven Amendum has found that children who had strong early reading skills in their native Spanish language when they entered kindergarten experienced greater growth in their ability to read Engli …
Read MoreSTEM Educators in Demand
September 19, 2019A small group of University of Delaware students majoring in science or engineering spent the summer engaging children and teens in activities related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) as part of a new initiative designed to interest …
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