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School of Education

  • Fostering Inquiry and Innovation

    June 1, 2023

    Each spring, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awards graduate research fellowships to promising undergraduate and graduate students around the country. These individuals are anticipated to become knowledge experts in their field and to help advanc …

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  • In the News: Lauren Bailes and Henry May

    May 22, 2023

    In a recent Education Week article, Lauren Bailes, assistant professor in the School of Education (SOE), discusses new research on the schoolwide effects of chronic absenteeism in kindergarten through 3rd grade in Delaware. Bailes co-authored this stud …

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  • UD Alumni Lead Delaware Public Service Departments

    August 17, 2022

    As a state-assisted land-grant, sea-grant and space-grant institution, the University of Delaware is committed to the intellectual, cultural and ethical development of its undergraduate and graduate students as citizens, scholars and professionals. UD …

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  • Illustration of lightbulb and book.

    Reading instruction

    July 29, 2022

    Teaching children to read is complex, and there are different approaches to teaching literacy, with some methods focusing on phonics and others focusing more heavily on language comprehension. Research has shown, however, that the most effective instruction includes explicit instruction in both.

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  • Delaware First: Shaping the Next Generation of Educators

    May 11, 2022

    Growing up, Kayla Grant had many ideas of what she wanted to be. A biologist. An actress. A lawyer. An advocate for kids with special needs. Now, as a sophomore at the University of Delaware, she is taking pieces of all those professions and applying t …

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  • I Heart UD Giving Day

    May 2, 2022

    I Heart UD Giving Day May 4, 2022 I Heart UD Giving Day is an opportunity for the UD community to collectively support faculty, staff and student-led causes, programs and initiatives that matter most to them. Together, the UD community can make a lasti …

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  • Do Cell Phones Distract Us From Interacting with our Kids?

    April 8, 2022

    Over the last several years, many researchers in early childhood education have focused on the amount of screen time that children receive each day and how it may affect their learning or development. But, what about the amount of time that a parent or …

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  • The 12 graduating Governor’s Institute for School Leadership fellows pose for a photo with Tracy Hudson, leadership specialist in the Delaware Academy of School Leadership (DASL), Jacquelyn Wilson, director of DASL, Mark Holodick, now Delaware Secretary of Education, and Michael Saylor, education associate for school leadership in the Delaware Department of Education.

    Learning with Educational Leaders

    April 5, 2022

    Effective school principals not only foster positive learning environments and improve teacher retention, but also affect student achievement — recent research has found that they add about three months’ worth of growth in students’ math and reading ac …

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  • Brave Community

    November 22, 2021

    In today’s political climate, marked by the Black Lives movement and other protests, conversations about race can be difficult to have, especially as social media often fuels racial tensions rather than fostering productive dialogue. “In lives dominate …

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  • UD Alumna Wins National Teaching Award

    October 4, 2021

    UD alumna, Amanda Binkley (CEHD18), has received the 2021-22 Outstanding Teacher of the Year award from the nonprofit organization, Project Lead the Way (PLTW). Binkley, a graduate of the School of Education’s Teacher Leadership program and an engineer …

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