School of Education
In The News: Nancy C. Jordan

CEHD Professor Discusses the Challenges of Fractions in the Classroom
Nancy C. Jordan, Dean Family Endowed Chair and professor in the College of Education and Human Development’s (CEHD) School of Education (SOE) was recently featured in an Education Week article about the challenges of understanding fractions and how they affect students in the classroom.
Jordan’s research and interventions in the classroom demonstrate that even if students initially struggle to understand fractions, it’s possible to help them develop a deeper understanding of them in older elementary grades. Jordan’s research on fractions is funded through an Institute of Education Sciences grant and is in collaboration with Nancy Dyson, SOE research associate and project coordinator, and SOE Ph.D. students, Taylor-Paige Guba and Megan Botello.
News mentions
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Education Week, September 26, 2023