School of Education
In the News: Lauren Bailes

CEHD Assistant Professor Discusses Research on Teacher Retention
In a recent study, Lauren Bailes, assistant professor in CEHD’s School of Education, and her co-author Sarah Guthery of Texas A&M University-Commerce found that how teachers enter the profession affects how long they will continue teaching. Specifically, how teachers pursued their certification and the type of school where they first taught influenced how long they would continue teaching.
Traditionally certified teachers had a 67.5% chance of remaining in the field after five years if they began teaching at a public school. They had a 55.9% chance if they began teaching at a charter school.
By contrast, a teacher who completed an alternative certification program had only a 60.6% chance of remaining in the field if they began teaching at a traditional public school. They had only a 48.4% chance if they began teaching at a charter school.
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