School of Education
I Heart UD Giving Day

I Heart UD Giving Day
May 4, 2022
I Heart UD Giving Day is an opportunity for the UD community to collectively support faculty, staff and student-led causes, programs and initiatives that matter most to them. Together, the UD community can make a lasting impact for current and future generations of Blue Hens.

CEHD Dean’s Diversity in Education Scholarship
Help a student from an under-represented background in the field of education pursue a degree in elementary teacher education or early childhood education. The cost of a college education can be daunting for students from under-represented backgrounds, especially first-generation college students or those who reside in a disadvantaged or low-income community. These scholarships ensure access to our high-quality teacher education programs, while easing the financial burden of pursuing a college education.

Teacher Certification Expense Fund
In order to become certified to teach, students are required to complete a certification exam and a performance assessment. This fund will help the Delaware Center for Teacher Education defray some of the costs for low income candidates by paying for the exams required.

Teachers of Tomorrow Program
The Teachers of Tomorrow Program, offered through UD’s College of Education and Human Development, provides rising high school juniors and seniors from underrepresented backgrounds an introduction to the field of education while giving them the skills necessary to succeed in college. Through the 2022 Teachers of Tomorrow Challenge, your gift this year will unlock additional donor support, helping sustain and enhance the program into the future.

Early Learning Center: Help Expand Fun, Open-Ended, Dramatic STEAM Play!
Help bring even more exciting, imaginative and creative play to the Early Learning Center! We are hoping to add a set of magnetically connecting panels that will allow for the creation of forts, castles, stages or anything else our youngest Blue Hens can think up. This addition will not only foster creative play but do so while developing STEAM skills.

Lab School Outdoor Classroom: Support for Boot Storage Space
The Lab School needs your help in creating special storage spaces to keep our boots safe! We love our boots and use them every day. We use them to explore our outdoor classrooms, the forest and the creek. One of our favorite things to do is to splash in puddles! But where do we store them, you may ask? Well, that is the problem. We don’t have a storage solution for them and the boots EVERYWHERE! Would you please consider helping us get organized?

The College School: Sensory Space
The College School is embarking on a plan to create a sensory space for students which will provide them with a therapeutic and multi-sensory experience. Sensory spaces offer many benefits to students including increasing concentration and focus, providing mental and physical relaxation, promoting social interactions, improving coordination and gross motor skills, promoting cognitive development, and providing students a place to calm and regulate themselves.

Center for Disabilities Studies: New 4-Year Certificate Program
Your donation will help UD’s Center for Disabilities Studies offset the costs of administering and expanding its inclusive Career & Life Studies Certificate program for students with intellectual disabilities. CLSC recently added a 4-year option, called CLSC Advanced, which offers students more undergraduate coursework, paid employment opportunities, additional options for living on and off campus, and leadership experiences through independent study, mentoring and civic engagement.