School of Education
September 2016 achievements
Please join the School of Education in congratulating its faculty, students, and SOE colleagues in affiliated centers on their achievements over September 2016.
The School of Education monthly achievements is a regular feature of the news section of the SOE website. Please consider sharing recent awards or grants, publications, presentations, and collaborations across campus or in schools.
School of Education shares September 2016 achievements
Nicholas Baker, EdD alumnus and supplemental faculty for the SOE, received the national Mel Miller Outstanding Social Studies Leader award by the National Social Studies Supervisors Association. This annual award honors one supervisor or leader in the country for promoting the common interest of social studies, encouraging improvement of social studies instruction, and bringing together state and local affiliates of social studies supervisors and leaders.
Roberta Golinkoff and co-author K. Hirsch-Pasek’s newly published book “Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells us About Raising Successful Children” won the Bronze medal in the Parenting Category for the Living Now Book Awards 2016.
Roberta Golinkoff along with co-authors has published the following articles:
- Kanero, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2016). “Can a microwave heat up coffee?: How English- and Japanese-speaking children express subjects in lexical causative sentences.” Journal of Child Language, 43, 993-1019.
- Paterson, S., Parish-Morris, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2016). “Considering development in developmental disorders.” Journal of Cognition and Development, 17, 568-583.
Roberta Golinkoff is expecting the publication of the following book chapters and article:
- Göksun, T., Aktan-Erciyes, A., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. (in press). “Event perception and language learning: Early interactions between language and thought.” In Social environment and cognition in language development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç (Eds: N. Ketrez, A. C. Küntay, Ş. Özçalışkan, & A. Özyürek). Trends in Language Acquisition Research (TiLAR) Series, John Benjamins.
- Dore, R.A., Zosh, J.M, Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R.M. (In press).”Plugging into word learning: The role of electronic toys and digital media in language development.” In F. Blumberg & P. Brooks (Eds.) Cognitive development in digital contexts. Waltham, MA: Elsevier.
- Hassinger-Das, B., Toub, T. S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (In press).”A matter of principle: Applying language science to the classroom and beyond.” Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
Kathy Hirsch-Pasek and Roberta Golinkoff published a blog entry titled “Transforming cities into learning landscapes” in Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Roberta Golinkoff‘s book “Becoming Brilliant” was featured in the following web entries.
- Batsu. H. (2016).”The 6 Indispensable Traits of Future (Human) Leaders” in HeroX.
- Pawlowski. A. (2016).”How grades and tests fail kids—and how to do learning right” in Today Parents.
Eugene Matusov, Mark Smith, Elizabeth Soslau, Ana Marjanovic-Shane, and Katherine von Duyke published the article “Dialogic education from and for authorial agency” in Dialogic Pedagogy: An international online journal, 4, 162-197.
Frank Murray, professor emeritus, published a letter to the editor titled “Accrediting teacher prep: Former TEAC and NCATE leaders weigh-in” in Education Week, vol. 36(4), 20, 2016.
K. Hipfner-Boucher, Adrian Pasquarella, X. Chen and H. Deacon published the article “Cognate awareness in french immersion students: Contributions to grade 2 reading comprehension” in Scientific Studies of Reading, 20(5), 389-400. This is the first empirical study to show that children as young as grade 1 have cognate awareness which is a significant predictor of reading comprehension concurrently and longitudinally for young readers.
Joshua Wilson is expecting the publication of his article “Associated effects of automated essay evaluation software on growth in writing quality for students with and without disabilities” in Reading and Writing.
Elizabeth Farley-Ripple participated as a panelist in a discussion on “How can we work together to expand research use in the design, development, and improvement of education programs, products, and practices?” at the Digital Promise Summit to Expand Research Use in Education” at Redwood City, CA on September 8.
Roberta Golinkoff presented a colloquium titled “Living in Pasteur’s Quadrant: Navigating the uncharted waters between basic and applied research” organized by Department of Psychology at University of Pittsburgh, PA.
Roberta Golinkoff gave several presentations citations of which are as follows:
- Golinkoff, R. M. (2016, September). “Becoming Brilliant: Reimagining education for our time.” Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), Ontario, Canada.
- Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2016, September). “Can we put real education into “educational” apps?” Invited symposium, Growing up in a digital world: The good, the bad, and the ugly. International Mind, Brain, and Education Society Conference, Toronto, CA.
- Golinkoff, R. M. (2016, September). “Shape up! Spatial (and math) skills matter for our future!” Best Practices in Early Childhood Education: Reshaping Florida’s Early Education. Sponsored by Evolution Institute and United Way. Tampa, FL.
- Golinkoff, R. M. (2016, September). “Lessons from the sandbox for the boardroom: Realizing the promise of high quality preschool.” Best Practices in Early Childhood Education: Reshaping Florida’s Early Education. Sponsored by Evolution Institute and United Way. Tampa, FL.
Amanda Jansen has been invited to present as the keynote speaker at the National Innov8 Conference organized by the National Council of Teachers in Mathematics in November at St. Louis, MI.
Roberta Golinkoff was interviewed by Rae Pica Bam Radio on critical thinking on August 30.
Roberta Golinkoff was inteviewed by Benard Dreyer, MD, President Amer Academy of Pediatrics on her new book “Becoming Brilliant” on August 31.
Roberta Golinkoff along with K. Hirsch-Pasek was interviewed by Psychology Today on their book “Becoming Brilliant“.
Roberta Golinkoff was interviewed by Education Next Generation on September 28.
Professional Development Center for Educators
Rhonda Banks, presented “Next generation science standards: Alignment and vertical progressions” at a professional development event for secondary science teachers at the Lake Forest School District.
Tracy Hudson was selected to be a part of the state’s RTI Guiding Coalition.
Professional development and partnerships
Rhonda Banks conducted lesson plan reviews, observations, and coaching for the new secondary teachers located throughout Delaware as part of Jobs for Delaware Graduates (JDG) teacher certification.
Sharon Brittingham and Ed Burton facilitated two days of professional development to district office administrators in the Yonkers, New York Public School District to support their strategic goal of building the skills and knowledge of principals.
Marisa Hockman provided ELL professional development with Cape Henlopen, Indian River, and Lake Forest school districts to support their growing number of English Language Learners.
Tracy Hudson met with the Lake Forest curriculum team to plan a virtual articulation with the Lake Forest School District.
Jimmy Wheatley provided professional development on “Making Collaborative Pairs the Cultural Norms” at Delmar School District to assist teachers in improving questioning and engagement in their classrooms.
Jackie Wilson
- Attended, with Kendra China, the DE superintendents’ September meeting and shared professional development, coaching, and policy leadership services provided by PDCE/DASL specialists. Kendra China discussed types of services available to districts to support their school improvement plans.
- Collaborated with the national superintendents’ professional organization, American Association of School Administrators (AASA), on an initiative to support women in school leadership.
- Conducted two webinars in October to provide an understanding of the research related to mentoring as a professional learning strategy to improve skills and knowledge related to school leadership. She will also facilitate two workshops in March, 2017.
- Invited by the Wallace Foundation to participate in a national convening of states on September 26-27 and work with one of the five states that are partnering with the Wallace Foundation to develop their state Every Student Success Act (ESSA) plans.