School of Education
AERA honors Charles Hohensee for research on “backwards transfer”

The American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education (SIG-RME) has awarded Charles Hohensee, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Delaware, the SIG-RME Early Career Publication Award.
The AERA SIG-RME Early Publication Award recognizes outstanding mathematics education research published by scholars within five years of receiving their doctoral degrees.
The award was announced on April 13 at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference in Boston and April 18 at the AERA SIG-RME business meeting in Chicago.
Hohensee received the award for his 2014 scholarly article titled “Backward Transfer: An Investigation of the Influence of Quadratic Function Instruction on Students’ Prior Ways of Reasoning about Linear Functions,” published in the academic journal Mathematical Thinking and Learning.
The article discussed middle school students and the phenomenon of “backward transfer,” a term that describes how new learning influences an individual’s prior knowledge. For more on Hohensee’s research, see the UDaily article here.
Post by Jessica Henderson